June 24, 2012

Portion Control

I feel that I can eat whatever I want...well with reason...lol.  It's all about portion control and a little will power too perhaps.

I just looked at my meals for yesterday and noticed I had cotton candy!  Yep, a sweet made completely out of sugar and artifical colors.  Charm's Fluffy Stuff makes small bags that are 110 calories for the bag.  I ate half yesterday; so that was half the calories, sugar, and carbs.

I divide things in halfs or fourths (it's easier to measure...lol, I suck @ fractions!) and that will be my portion for the day.  Not so long ago I had a double chocolate and white chips cookie from Panera Bread...a whopping 450 cals for the entire cookie.  I gave half to my daughter, took my half, broke it in half and ate it over two days.  I love chocolate and was able to satisfy my love for chocolate and not feel as if I just over did it.

So the next time you want a dessert, eat a small portion.  Now I don't suggest this for people that don't have the will power to do so.  I've been practicing portion control since 2008 so its not something that you will adapt to over night.

What I do suggest for individuals that will eat the entire whatever, share it with someone...that way you can't get it back.  For the record that's not why I shared the cookie, I knew eating a fourth piece of cookie a day would take 4 days and become hard or stale.  Plus I wouldn't eat something like that 4 days in a row...even if I am breaking it into fourths.

So yes, you can still satisfy that sweet tooth or chocolate crave by using portion control.  And as always, if you have a medical condition such as type 2 Diabetes and shouldn't consume a lot of sugar then my suggestion would not apply to you, please seek the advice of your physician.

Until next time...be happy and eat healthy :-)

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