June 14, 2012

My Fitness Pal Android App

My previous post, right before this one, I talked about Weight Watchers (WW).  Well the friend who told me about the WWDairy app (which is "like" Weight Watchers) told me about the My Fitness Pal Android app which will allow you to also scan the bar code (like WWDiary) but will allow you to calculate calories as well (YAY!).  I asked her was she ever hungry while on the official Weight Watchers program and she stated that she don't remember being hungry that much because you can snack on fruits and veggies that are 0 points.  This is great because a lot of people don't get the recommended amount of either.  A co-worker of mine said that she tried the new WW point system and gained weight unless she was doing it wrong.  So she prefers the old point system. 

My friend tols me that she logs info into both My Fitness Pal and WWDiary and that Weight Watchers is around 1,000-1,200 calories a day.  With the way that I work out...Weight Watchers would not work for me even though I would get to eat the fruits and veggies.  My workout routine deals with a lot of cardio 5 x's a week and strengthening (in addition to the cardio) 3-4 times a week.  I would definitely need to fuel my body with more calories or I would look anorexic (no offense) or drop too many pounds too fast!

I'm going to do as my friend and log my info into both apps to see what the results are.  I will try both for a week and report back my personal findings.

**Update from when I started this post...like 3 hrs ago and haven't finished yet...I'm at work...lol...shhhh....**

Okay, so I modified the setting of the WWDiary app and it will allow you to put in calories but I still don't see where I can see a total amount of calories eaten.  So far My Fitness Pal is still winning me over.

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