January 6, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things!

Ok, so for anyone who reads my posts you know that I am an extreme fitness/nutrition geek.  At one point I started losing more weight than what I wanted to so I slowed down with exercising.  Well after that random life events happened and I stopped exercising all together but still maintain my weight. 

Almost a year ago...hmmm...how can I word this without telling my business...lol.   Well almost a year ago I made some changes which resulted in a huge hormone adjustment for my body (nothing health wise or anything like that, I'm fine) but it caused me to gain weight out of the blue.  So right now I'm stuck with this extra 15lbs of hormonal weight :(. 

My goal is to drop the weight and get back to my smallest size last year and bulk up in a pretty girly way :).  I'm going to post pics of myself now and weekly there after so you all can track my results with me.  I have a goal of February 25th to make a huge change.  Why then?  I have 2 fitness workshops that I am facilitating!  I cannot go in there promoting nutrition and fitness with the extra weight...even if it is hormonal and not diet.

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