August 10, 2010

Watch the Salt!

Did you know there are approximately 590mg of sodium in ¼ teaspoon of salt?  ¼ teaspoon is not a lot, if you have measuring spoons fill it with water or whatever, pour it in your hand and look at the small amount that sits there.  If you don’t have measuring spoons, next time you’re in a Walmart or Target look at the ¼ teaspoon and notice that not much will fit in it.  So for the heavy salt eaters consider how much sodium you are digesting when adding salt to your food.  Although you may think you’re not adding a lot of salt, remember just ¼ teaspoon of salt is approx. 590mg of sodium.  If you’re adding salt to more than one meal a day (and at least ¼ teaspoon) multiply 590 by the number of meals you add salt to and this will give you an idea of how much sodium you’re eating (keep in mind that the foods you eat may have salt added already).
Do you know what your daily sodium intake is?

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to know how much. I should be dead on the amount of sodium.
